

Check the History of Keno Lottery

GG World Keno

Keno Lottery is one of the most ancient lottery games in the world. It is amongst the first formal lottery games that were popularized in the past and survived through generations to reach us. The game was invented in China and only arrived in the United States in the 1840s. A Brief History of Keno […]

Top 5 Places to Visit After Winning Lotto

Places to Visit After Winning Lotto

Amongst the finest ways of spending your lottery winnings is spending some of it relaxing somewhere, enjoy what the world has to offer. Have you ever thought deeply about what you will do with your money should you win a huge lotto jackpot prize? Well, start playing the lottery today and you could be on […]

Why Is It Worth to Play the Lotto Online?

lotto online

The urge to play the lottery is real amongst many people. It is popular among many people because you can win lots of huge cash prizes and change your life. So, how do you play the lottery in this fast-paced world? Playing the lotto online is one of the most ideal ways of playing the […]

Record EuroMillions Jackpot – 220 000 000 EUR won in France!


When you get the chance to play EuroMillions online, you should definitely seize it. A lucky ticket holder from France woke up a £184 million richer after winning the EuroMillions jackpot. Yes, you heard that right! It’s actually possible to win the EuroMillions Jackpot. All you have to do is play the game and wait […]

Top 3 Methods to Check Lotto Results

check lotto results online

After playing the lottery, you should always check the results to see if you’ve won. Previously, there have been lottery winners who have won their jackpot cash prizes but failed to claim them because they did not know that they won. All lottery games have terms and conditions that control the process of getting a […]

Top 4 Places in Europe to Visit When You Win Eurojackpot

Europe - lottery winning

Have you ever imagined yourself as a lottery winner? This is a thought that every lottery player always has. So, how would you spend the millions of cash prizes if you won the Eurojackpot? One of the things that you should think of doing is traveling around Europe. Once you become a millionaire, there is […]