

Don’t fall prey to a lotto scam!

Lotteries are highly popular these days, but at the same time they are often used by cybercriminals to scam people, taking advantage of their ignorance or just a lack of attention. Today, we’d like to present you some of the methods used the most often to trick the unaware internet users. May this be a safety reminder and a guideline so you don’t fall prey to one of such activities.

Powerball rollover claimed on April Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day is a great day for jokes and laughter, but it may also be a great to change your life by winning the lottery. That’s what happened to one of the players who won an impressive Powerball rollover on April 1st and this time it was not a joke! Each day brings an opportunity to claim one of the great lotto jackpots, so play to win!

Accidental lotto win brought millions to a German player

lotto win

Lotto millionaire stories often show that the lotto win came by an accident, when it was the least expected. Many of those who won the lottery, bought their ticket impulsively, spontaneously or they can’t even explain what made them buy the ticket. It just happened. We’d like to present you such a story to show you that winning the lotto is quite alike falling in love – you just can’t tell when it happens to you!

What would the potential lotto winners do with the prize?

All our users would surely wish to win the lotto, and of course it would be the best to claim one of the great jackpots. We’ve decided to reach out to them and ask what they would do, having millions on their account balance. We have randomly sent a survey to 25% of our users and we’ll share the outcome today.