History of Lotto

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Since its inception, the lottery has become one of the biggest inventions in the world. The kind of fun, laughter, and excitement it brings to players is unmatched, not to mention the huge prospects of winning cash prizes.

Have you ever asked yourself where the lotto came from? Well, we’ll explore the history of the lotto and you will learn everything there is to know about it.

What is the lottery?

A lottery is a game of chance where a player where people buy tickets and predict winning numbers. They pick their lucky numbers and hope that they will be drawn in the upcoming draw for them to win. This is the general definition of a lottery.

However, over the years, the lottery has taken different forms though the concept of it being a game of chance has remained solid. Therefore, the exploration of its history will cover how it has developed to become what it is today.

Who invented the lottery?

While the modern lottery can be attributed to King James I, the earliest invention of the lottery has its roots in China.

It is believed that the Chinese were the first people to come up with an organized lottery system. The Chinese Han Dynasty is credited with having started Keno, which is one of the oldest recognized forms of the lottery. It is believed to have started as a form of contribution for the dynasty to develop its infrastructure and fight wars.

However, the invention of the lottery cannot be tied to the Chinese alone since there is biblical evidence of the lottery during biblical times. Some argue that the lottery was a natural invention and the people credited for its invention such as King James only formalized it.

Notable lotteries in history

If you want to understand how the lottery has evolved, you can run through the various lottery games as presented in history. Here are some of the top lotteries that define the history of lotto:

Athenian Democratic Lotteries

One of the earliest forms of the lottery was in Athens, Greece. The method of choosing leaders in Athens resembled the lottery system. Instead of voting for leaders, eligible candidates would have their names placed in a lottery. A draw would be conducted and the winners will be announced and allocated their roles in the citizen council.


Keno is the embodiment of the ancient lottery. It started in the Han Dynasty of China. The government used the lottery games to fund public works and military projects. It is believed that Keno helped in funding the Great Wall of China. The lottery was formal and players choose numbers or characters and were awarded prizes for winning after draws. The proceeds of the lottery were used to fund government projects.

Roman Decimation

This is one of the lotteries that nobody wanted to win. Roman Decimation was a brutal military justice used to punish members of a unit that was considered disobedient or a coward. The leader of the unit would place the names in a lottery and one out of ten men will be put to death randomly.

16th Century Italian Lotteries

In the 16th century, many lotteries sprang in Italy. There were different lottery games with different prizes such as cash, jewelry, carpets, real estate, and even government contracts. In Genoa, officials were selected using the lottery. Five leaders would be picked from a pool of 90 potential candidates. Consequently, people would bet on who would be selected from the 90. The game became so popular that the state took over and used the proceeds to develop various infrastructural projects.

Queen Elizabeth’s National Lottery

The first official lottery in England was organized by the queen in 1567. The aim of the lottery was to raise funds for public good works. Different cash prizes were offered, popularizing the game before it went viral.

These are not the only ancient lottery games in history; others include the French National Lottery, the Spanish Christmas Lottery, and the Louisiana State Lottery Company.

Evolution of modern lotto

Since the lottery became so popular, there have been improvements. Unlike in the past, the modern lottery has several features that excite gamers.

Top improvements that define the evolution of the modern lottery

  1. Online lotto

When the lotto started, you had to buy the tickets physically for you to participate. This means that a person wouldn’t be able to bet without the physical tickets. However, since the advent of the internet, it has now become possible to play the lotto online. This is one of the biggest improvements of the lottery that make lottery more accessible. Players enjoy the following benefits:

  • Convenient betting at any time
  • Convenient withdrawal
  • Ability to play international lottery games while at home
  1. Huge jackpot prizes

The biggest motivation for lottery players is the amount of money they can win. Since the history of the lotto, modern lotteries have had the best cash prizes that players can win. If you are playing the top lottery games, you can win millions of cash if you win the jackpot.

  1. Multiple lottery games

Nowadays, players have access to multiple lottery games. In a single state, you can find tens of top lottery games on offer. This differs from what was there in the past where lottery players had access to a few games. Therefore, modern lottery players have more chances of winning than players in the former times.

  1. Ease of playing

The rules of playing the lottery games are becoming easier by the day. Whilst the lottery remains a game of chance, players in the former times did not have information that modern lottery players have. Nowadays, players can access tons of tips and tricks before they start playing.

What is the future of the lottery?

From its history, the lottery is a game that will not end any time soon. Therefore, the future of the lottery is bright. The lottery remains the only place a person can get overnight riches. If you play top national lotteries, you can become one of the new millionaires. You can also check our article about Eurojackpot statistics to find out more about one of the most popular European games.

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