
The Most Popular Lucky Numbers in the World

lucky numbers

As we all know, playing the lotto is always such a huge gamble. Aside from the very random results, we’re sure you’ve wondered if some numbers are lucky to win more often than others. Anyone who has statistical knowledge will definitely tell you that historical data of numbers has zero impact on the numbers that will appear in a draw in the future.

That means looking at numbers that have been drawn in the past has equal efficiency as choosing them at random. But still, it’s fun to look at all these numbers and see what numbers have been popularly known as lucky over the years. That said, in this article, we will discuss some of the known lucky numbers in the world.


Seven appear first in this list, and that’s with good reason. It’s a popularly known lucky number in the western world. Everyone wants to be part of seven; we’ve even seen people who thought seven was a good baby name.


Next in the list, we have three – which we’d say seems like quite a logical choice for a lucky number. Like the good ol’ saying, ‘good things come in threes.’


In Chinese and Japanese culture, eight is a widely known lucky number. Most say eight is a sign of wealth and prosperity. As you will see moving forward, a lot of the evidence in this list has been drawn from the Chinese culture.


In western cultures, thirteen is considered the most unlucky number. But as we all know, people love being rebellious. That said, we can say its popularity is due to the fact that it’s unlucky. But don’t people love being rowdy as long as it’s consequence-free? I guess that’s why thirteens still appear on this list.


Well, this has to be the largest popularly known lucky number we have on this list. It made it to the top 30 lucky numbers. Depending on your perspective towards this number, it could actually be that lucky number you’ve always been ignoring when you buy lottery tickets online.


If you do your research, you will find that 9 is another significant lucky number. Mainly due to Norse mythology, nine stands out as one of the luckiest numbers in Norway. Norse mythology comes with nine realms.


Eleven is the other popular lucky number on our list today. This is a number that symbolizes success and represents a fiery spirit. That said, click here to check the lotto results and winning numbers to see if you got lucky today.


Five stands out as another lucky number in Chinese culture. It is believed that people with lucky number 5 pursue freedom, and in this case, it could be financial freedom.


While two might seem like an odd choice for lucky numbers, apparently, it represents good luck in China.

In Summary

As we have seen on this list, there is a wide range of lucky numbers that you can consider when picking out your next lotto numbers. To get started today, play the lotto at Who knows? You might be lucky and actually become the next lotto millionaire.

If you want to know more about the lottery games, read about the top reasons people play the lottery.

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