Tier |
Match X +
X |
Winners | Payout per winner |
Prize #1 I |
Match X + X :
5+ 2 |
Winners: 0 | Payout per winner: €0.00 |
Prize #2 II |
Match X + X :
5+ 1 |
Winners: 2 | Payout per winner: €616,553.40 |
Prize #3 III |
Match X + X :
5+ 0 |
Winners: 8 | Payout per winner: €36,024.60 |
Prize #4 IV |
Match X + X :
4+ 2 |
Winners: 69 | Payout per winner: €1,300.90 |
Prize #5 V |
Match X + X :
4+ 1 |
Winners: 1,334 | Payout per winner: €123.90 |
Prize #6 VI |
Match X + X :
3+ 2 |
Winners: 3,076 | Payout per winner: €56.80 |
Prize #7 VII |
Match X + X :
4+ 0 |
Winners: 2,774 | Payout per winner: €44.20 |
Prize #8 VIII |
Match X + X :
2+ 2 |
Winners: 46,584 | Payout per winner: €13.10 |
Prize #9 IX |
Match X + X :
3+ 1 |
Winners: 59,429 | Payout per winner: €11.50 |
Prize #10 X |
Match X + X :
3+ 0 |
Winners: 132,501 | Payout per winner: €9.60 |
Prize #11 XI |
Match X + X :
1+ 2 |
Winners: 247,081 | Payout per winner: €6.20 |
Prize #12 XII |
Match X + X :
2+ 1 |
Winners: 876,893 | Payout per winner: €5.50 |
Prize #13 XIII |
Match X + X :
2+ 0 |
Winners: 1,942,643 | Payout per winner: €4.00 |
Total Sum: | Total Winners: 3,312,394 | _('Total Prize') ?>: €18,764,755.10 |
Check the latest draw results of EuroMillions, one of the biggest European lotteries. Compare the drawn numbers with the ones you’ve picked and can be checked on your ticket, available on your players account.
Check the archive EuroMillions draws results on our website too. This allows you to check which numbers have been drawn the most.
Just a few years ago, the lottery introduced the so-called super-draws, which offered huge money in prizes, but it was pulled back in 2012. Such draws attracted huge interest in countries where this lottery is locally available.
The maximum rollover in EuroMillions can reach 190 million €. This happened in October 2014 for the last time.
EuroMillions prizes are highly attractive; this European lotto is really fun to play, so more and more people decide to buy a ticket and play for the EuroMillions jackpot.
You can check the EuroMillions winning numbers, get information about the EuroMillions prizes and the winners of this remarkable lottery. You can check the prize tiers in the table showing all 13 of them. This means that if you don’t hit the jackpot, you still have a chance for a smaller, but still attractive prize.
EuroMillions winners take an important spot on the table – along with the prize tier level, the number of players who picked the numbers correctly and became eligible to receive a prize are shown. It’s easy to notice that several hundred thousand players win the EuroMillions prizes each month!
Record winnings claimed by EuroMillions winners:
In a lot of cases, EuroMillions winners spend part of their winnings on buying more tickets for their favorite lottery in order to win again.
Remember to check the EuroMillions online lottery results precisely, because you’ve got a great chance of winning not only the jackpot, but also one of the smaller prizes. Only two correctly picked numbers are required in this European lottery to become entitled to receive a cash prize!
The most popular strategies for playing used by EuroMillions winners include picking the numbers drawn most often.
Use the statistical data, which will help you with picking the lucky numbers that can bring you a huge prize in this European lottery. We have prepared a list of the most frequently drawn numbers in EuroMillions.
These are: 50, 11, 4, 44, and 38. The most drawn Lucky Star numbers are 3 and 5.
Numbers 22, 1, 8, 49, and 34 have not been selected often in recent draws.
If you find the EuroMillions prizes attractive, make the first step on the road to becoming one of the millionaire winners in this European lottery. Check the previously drawn EuroMillions winning numbers and prepare your own set of numbers for the draw.
Have you ever wondered how a lucky EuroMillions drawing could impact your life? Plenty of players look up EuroMillions results with a lot of excitement, dreaming of great winnings. A lot of them, however, have never thought about how big winnings could change their life and how many doors it could open.
If EuroMillions results turn out to be lucky for you – you will be able to make all your dreams come true. Even the basic jackpot that can be won in a EuroMillions drawing is a lot of money, which you could use to buy your dream house, become an owner of a top-of-the-line sport car or a luxury watch. If you have ever dreamed of being able, just like other EuroMillions winners, to afford buying elegant clothes, fancy jewelry and many other brand items – with lucky EuroMillions results – you will be able to afford every fancy you wish!
Reasonable, responsible EuroMillions winners, who gained a real fortune thanks to lucky numbers being drawn, spend part of their winnings on securing their future. That’s right, it’s a very positive change in life – the money won would enable you to open your own business or invest the money in promising projects that would allow you to multiply your money and secure the future of your family.
Have you ever dreamed of long-distance traveling and meeting new cultures, but you couldn’t afford it? Buy a ticket for this European lottery, as a EuroMillions drawing may open a door before you to many wonderful adventures and unforgettable experiences. When EuroMillions drawing results make you one of the winners who have won millions of euro, you will be able to travel the world, visit even the most remote locations, see a real coral reef, relax in Bora Bora, discover the unique nature of Australia or even go on a year-long trip around the world!
Lucky EuroMillions drawings also mean a chance to help others. Quite a lot of lottery winners decide to support charities to help people and animals. If you have always wanted to help others – lucky EuroMillions drawing results are a perfect opportunity to share your kindness and joy with others!
There are several tips that can help make the latest lottery drawing results turn out to be the lucky ones for you one day. The first of them is – forget about paid estimates and predictions or lottery systems. There is not a single effective method in existence that would allow to predict which numbers will be drawn during a drawing of EuroMillions or of any other lottery.
In order to increase the chances of EuroMillions drawing results opening the door to the big lottery winner club for you, remember to participate in each drawing. It is obvious that every EuroMillions drawing means another chance to win a great jackpot. Could you forgive yourself if you missed a drawing and it turned out that your lucky numbers had been drawn as the winning numbers during this exact drawing?
Choose your lucky numbers and mark them down on the lottery ticket every time you want to participate in a EuroMillions drawing. Plenty of lottery winners admit that they were able to win the main prize because they had been consequently picking the same numbers for a long time, believing that one day the drawing results would make their dreams of big winnings come true.
If you want to win in EuroMillions or in any other of the greatest lotteries in the world – invite your loved ones and friends to play with you. That way you will be able to buy more tickets for your favorite lotteries, pick more numbers and significantly increase your chances of the latest EuroMillions drawing results allowing you to claim impressive winnings.
Always think positively and believe that when you check the drawing results, it will turn out that you are one of the great winners in EuroMillions. Faith can move mountains, and positive thinking helps succeed in any area!
Play the EuroMillions online today – pick your lucky numbers, and check the EuroMillions results after the draw to see if you have won!
Check the latest lotto results here to see what numbers have been drawn in other lotteries. You can find the results of the world’s biggest lotteries in one place.